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An effectively laid out menu is a key to the success of your in-store sales and online sales.



Hierarchical Structure

Selflane uses a hierarchical system to organize your menu offerings. Menus are the highest level of the hierarchy and typically map out the different categories of offerings that you serve (i.e. Main Menu, Lunch Menu, Bar Menu). Courses are the second tier of the hierarchy and typically fall within menus (i.e. Appetizers, Salads, Sandwiches, Desserts). Lastly, Dishes will fall into the menus and courses (i.e. Mozzarella Sticks may reside in the Appetizers course for the Main menu). A dish can be assigned to a single course and one or more menus.


Edit Menu

Click on “Menu” in the side bar under "Settings", and use the top bar to navigate to specific section to edit menu.






Matrix Modifier


Download Guide

You can download the Menu Building Guide here.

Download PDF

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Name Name of the menu

Description [optional] A brief description of the menu

Special Hours A menu can be set to be only available in a certain time window. It restricts both online and in-store orders. This could be useful for Lunch Menu or Happy Hours Menu.

Run Out (86'd) Turn off the menu

In-store only Control the online offering of the menu

Sync to Third Party Sync this menu to your third party online platforms. It is only available to clients integrated with Chowly.


Sorting Menus

Please click the picture below for a video tutorial on sorting menus.

Sorting Menus

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Name Name of the course

P&L Group Assign a Profit & Loss group. We summarize the sales of each group in the sales report.

Description [optional] A brief description of the course

Run Out (86'd) Turn off the course

In-store only Control the online offering of the course

Sync to Third Party Sync this course to your third party online platforms. It is only available to clients integrated with Chowly.


Sorting Courses

Same to Sorting Menus, use drag and drop to organize the sorting of the courses.


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Name Item name

Kitchen Name [optional] Item kitchen name. It can be a shortened name or a name in different language (e.g., spanish, chinese, vietnamese).

Price The base price for the dish. Extra cost can be set in modifiers.

Online Upcharge [optional] In case the online price should be greater than the in-store price.

3rd Party Upcharge [optional] In case the 3rd party price should be greater than the in-store price.

Description [optional] A brief description of the dish

Menu Assign to one or more menus.

Course Assign to one course.

Printer Assign to one or more printers. e.g., an item can be sent to both fry and soup stations.

Tags Assign with one or more tags. e.g., spicy level, gluten free, vegan.

Run Out (86'd) Turn off the item

In-store only Control the online offering of the item

Sync to Third Party Sync this item to your third party online platforms. It is only available to clients integrated with Chowly.

Priced by weight Priced by weight. Allowed units are pound, ounce, kilogram, gram.


Sorting Dishes

Same to Sorting Menus, use drag and drop to organize the sorting of the dishes.


Adding Pictures

Pictures often play an important complementary part in your menu. They not only assist your customer in navigating menus faster but also help your staff in the same way. Upload clean and clear pictures to your menu and make it a better representation for your business.

The pictures show in POS as blocks


The pictures show in POS as a list


The pictures show on our website for customer


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You can come up with any modifications for your dishes so that your customers have the ability to customize their orders.

Title: Modifier title. The title is only for categorizing purpose, it won't print to the kitchen.

Max Selection: A maximum number of choices can be selected.

Required: Require a selection of at least one choice.

Applied To: Apply the modifier to selected items.

Choice: Options for a modifier. e.g., size of small, medium, large.

Name: Choice name.

Kit Name: [optional] Choice kitchen name. It can be a shortened name or a name in different language (e.g., spanish, chinese, vietnamese).

Ext Price: Extra price the choice would add to the item.

Default: Set a choice to be selected by default

In-store only: Control the online offering of the modifier or specific choices

Max: Maximum choice (sub choice) can be selected

Sub Choice: Options for a choice. Sub Choice can have a maximum of 2-tier pricing. e.g., Topping: Cheese, Pepperoni (normal price), Bacon, Beef (premier price)

Allow Extra Quantity: Allow selecting multiple same sub choices. e.g., customer wants double or triple mushroom toppings on a 12" pizza.

Allow Half/Half: Allow selecting multiple same sub choices. e.g., customer wants half beef, half chicken on a pizza.



Sorting Modifiers

Please click the picture below for a video tutorial on sorting modifiers.

Sorting Menus

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Matrix Modifier

Matrix Modifiers have a list of Prefixes and groups of Suffixes.



Name: Prefix name. e.g., No, Add, Extra.

Scale Factor: A factor to be multiplied with the unit price of suffix.



Group Title: Title of a suffix group

Name: Suffix item name

Price/Unit: Suffix unit price



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Ingredients and Recipes

Use the Ingredient and Recipe components to build a counting system for the daily supply consumptions. For example, Huevos Rancheros uses one egg, 1/2 cup of black beans, and Omelets use two eggs and 2 tbsp butter. When a business has sold 20 Huevos Rancheros and 35 Omelets, the system counts consumption of 90 eggs, 10 cups of black beans, and 70 tbsp butter. This system provides an estimate of the daily supply a business should order. It also provides a good cross-check against the actual supply usage.


You can opt to put in only key ingredients like meats, seafood or add in a more comprehensive detailed list of ingredients. Go to Menu/Ingredients in Selflane Business website to add or edit the ingredients.



On the Dishes page, edit the ingredient list by clicking the Chef-Hat button on each item.




Go to Sales/Stats page to check the crunched data for the ingredient consumption.



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Menu and course can be set unavailable online. For example, you can exclude the alcohol menu from online ordering.

POS Changelog

POS Changelog


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