POS App 6.10 Updates


We're happy to announce the latest release of POS App 6.10, packed with several updates to enhance your experience. Here's what you can expect:

  1. Manager Approval for Ticket Transfers:

    • Users now have the option to require manager approval for transferring tickets, adding an extra layer of control and oversight to this process.
    • Turn on this feature in the back office: Team -> Roles, and Sections for Functions need Manager Approval.
  2. Expanded Choices for Deferred Printing Time Settings:

    • Additional choices (10' to 6 hours) have been added to the deferred printing time settings, providing users with more flexibility in configuring printing schedules according to their specific needs.
  3. Manager Approval Exit Button:

    • A new exit button has been added to the manager approval screen, allowing users to navigate away if no manager is available to approve the request. This prevents the screen from becoming stuck, ensuring smooth operation even in the absence of managerial oversight.

These updates are designed to improve functionality, streamline workflows, and provide you with greater flexibility in managing your POS operations. Stay tuned for more exciting features and enhancements in future releases!